Dr. Travers is working with award-winning Family Medicine Residency during her fellowship at VCMC’s Academic Family Medical Center and HCFVC to implement the Centering Pregnancy (CP) model of prenatal care.
The central goal of CP at VCMC is to improve the health of all families in our county, with special emphasis on providing access to care for those facing barriers. HCA’s Las Islas Clinic in Oxnard implemented CP in 2018, and has already improved incidences of pre-term births and low birth weights, while building community and improving women’s self-confidence.
CP is a model of prenatal care that uses group visits to replace traditional one-on-one checkups. Participants take charge of their health by tracking their own blood pressure and weight. After a brief personal check-in with the provider, facilitators and participants “center up” in their seats among the group’s circle of chairs. The content of the group visits will then follow CP curriculum with activities aimed at stimulating discussion about important topics related to health, families, pregnancy, labor and delivery.
We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Travers to VCMC! Please join us in supporting improved outcomes in Ventura County for all families through CP!