Support Health Care Foundation for Ventura County by making a charitable gift in stock. We accept donations in publicly traded, domestic common stocks.
How can I donate stock to HCFVC?
Donating stock is safe and easy. Using the donation form on this page, making a charitable gift of stock is a quick, five-step process:
Select your stock ticker and confirm the company name in the donation form
Enter your gift amount
Type in your email and address info for the receipt
Enter your brokerage account information
Virtually sign & make your gift!
Benefits of Transferring Gifts of Stocks and Bonds
Avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated stock
Receive a charitable income tax deduction
How to Make a Gift of Stocks and Bonds Through Electronic Transfer:
Decide which stock to donate (name, ticker symbol [for publicly traded stocks], number of shares for the donation) and the intended transfer date.
Click Here to reach out to HCFVC to obtain account information.
Contact the brokerage firm to initiate the transfer, which includes HCFVC’s brokerage details.
Complete required transfer forms with your broker. You may need to provide specific information about the stock and the charity.
Inform Health Care Foundation for Ventura County of your donation, so we can arrange to send you a tax receipt along with a message of appreciation for the completion of your tax files.
Contact Us
Should you have any questions regarding gifts of stocks and bonds, please contact us.